One picture. Every Day. 365 days.
January 18 2011
Tuesday nights yoga. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress.
January 16 2011
"At the moment you most need God, you will be tempted to run from him."
January 15 2011
This was the only picture I took that entire day. That coffee was terrible, by the way. Haha
January 13 2011
Why yes my princess bubble gum dress for the Ohayocon is almost finished.
January 11 2011
Winter wishes
January 10 2011
Half mast for the Arizona shooting.
January 9 2010
Getting older scares me...
January 8 2011
I could eat Chipolte every day! In this picture: Me, Cara, Alex
January 7 2011
This would be Miss.Danielle Wildman
January 6 2011
What if we weren't so afriad of everything
January 5 2011
Jesus will meet you where you are, no matter where you are, no matter how you got there
January 4 2010
You better dance like no one is watching, don't let the tell you who you need to be.
January 3 2011
Everything's Magic...
January 1 2011
Well, I guess this is the frist picture. New years lock in with the youth group. We stayed up untill 8:00am. From the left: Cara, Grant, Bekah, Aaron, Daniele, Me, Alex